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Year 2 – Puerto Rico Update

April 20, 2021

I'm Alison

I’m an online business coach and ecommerce entrepreneur. I’m here to teach you, step-by-step, how to sell online. Even if you’re brand new to online sales, you’ll get the roadmap you need to create and grow your own profitable online business the right way.



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We’ve received many messages from you about Puerto Rico and are finally answering those questions on this week’s podcast!

A New Home In Puerto Rico

Two years ago, I leaned over to my husband Jared and said, “Let's move to Puerto Rico!” We didn’t know much about it, but six weeks later, we took the plunge. It was probably one of the best decisions we've ever made. We wanted an adventure, and why not Puerto Rico?

It’s almost 3,500 miles from our Utah home and the complete opposite of everything we’ve ever known. Not everyone was excited either. One of our children doesn’t do well with change, and we knew it would be a struggle, but we always want to help our kids learn how to cope well with change–both big and small. 

Originally we only planned to stay a few months, but hey there is a lot we love about life here! Two years later, and we’re still here! We even bought a house!! A fixer-upper, for sure, but it’s our fixer-upper. Half of the sinks didn’t work, there were no curtains, and it had a bit of a bug/iguana problem (I thought iguanas ate bugs?)

Our Favorite Places in Puerto Rico

One of the many things this island does right are its beaches (and landscape in general). So gorgeous! One of our favorites is Rincón. It’s a little “corner” on the island where the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean meet–can you imagine the views!

If you ever find yourself in Rincón, rent a house right on the beach. They’re inexpensive, and you won’t be disappointed. You can eat great food, surf, snorkel, or just enjoy sunbathing on the sand. 

Two other must-see places are Vieques and Culebra. Situated on the island's east coast, both are wonderful, but what stole our hearts the most was a little beach on Culebra called Flamenco Beach. It’s one of the top 10 most stunning beaches in the world. Absolutely breathtaking! The water is crystal clear, the sand feels like powdered sugar, and it has beautiful coral reefs you can snorkel around. No picture can capture the beauty of that place. It’s like a little slice of heaven.

Our Favorite Foods in Puerto Rico

Another highlight of moving to this gorgeous island is the food! If you’re on a weight loss journey, you might want to go elsewhere because Puerto Rico is a foodie paradise.  

In our town, we discovered a bakery that sells Nutella puffs. Yes, everything you need in life besides beautiful beaches and great weather, are Nutella puffs!

Jared brought some home one day because he smelled them and couldn’t resist. He can’t eat them (he’s allergic to nuts), but we sure enjoyed them! 

Another food we love (and our children are crazy about) is “pinchos”. What are they? Only the best meat skewers you’ve ever tasted! They sell them at food trucks, and they are delicious!

Our “Non-Favorite” Things About Puerto Rico

Hey, every place has its challenges, even amazing Puerto Rico. (Jared says he doesn’t have any dislikes, which annoys me because what kind of person loves everything about a place? Don’t tell him I said that!)

One of the things I found challenging was the laissez-faire attitude. Nobody is in a hurry which is nice, but it also means massive delays happen. 

We ordered furniture for our new house a while ago, and it still hasn't arrived. Our new home is a bit (okay, a lot), of a fixer-upper, so where a project like that would normally take 2-6 months in Utah, it takes longer in Puerto Rico.

Another challenge (which is more a clash with my personality) is the busy-ness of our town. I’m more of a beach than city kinda girl. I like my space. And you don’t really get a lot of that here.

Finally, my biggest pet peeve: bugs in the house and iguanas that poop in the pool! We’re doing our best to “de-bug” the house, so there’s that!


Puerto Rico is a beautiful place, and no challenge means I'm not glad we moved here. This move has brought the Prince family much happiness and is exactly why I decided an update was long overdue. (Hey maybe I’ll even convince a few of you to move here!)

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I'm Alison

I’m an online business coach and ecommerce entrepreneur. I’m here to teach you, step-by-step, how to sell online. Even if you’re brand new to online sales, you’ll get the roadmap you need to create and grow your own profitable online business the right way.



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