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Unleashing Millions in Sales with Simple Conversation Starters – Featuring James Bake

May 28, 2024

I'm Alison

I’m an online business coach and ecommerce entrepreneur. I’m here to teach you, step-by-step, how to sell online. Even if you’re brand new to online sales, you’ll get the roadmap you need to create and grow your own profitable online business the right way.



Let me tell you about some of the products I've sold that helped me reach my first Million. We're offering this and other valuable resources for free!

Today, we're diving into something super exciting—how simple questions can turn into major cash flow. I'm thrilled to have James Bake here with us again. Remember him? He’s the genius who sold millions with those amazing conversation starters. Get ready as we uncover the secrets behind turning everyday chats into a booming business. Strap in, because this is going to be a game-changer!

What You’ll Learn:

  • The Power of Conversation Starters: Discover how James helped a company sell millions of dollars worth of conversation starter cards and the impact these simple tools can have on personal and professional relationships.
  • Recurring Revenue from Simple Products: James shares strategies for getting customers to come back for more, even when selling products typically purchased just once.
  • Building Brand Loyalty: Learn about the importance of knowing your audience and creating products that cater to their specific needs and experiences.
  • The Art of the Upsell: Tips on how to encourage customers to buy more by carefully curating additional relevant products.
  • Innovative Marketing Strategies: James discusses how to keep your product offerings fresh and engaging to encourage repeat business.

Highlights of the Episode:

  • James’s Backstory: From selling journals and planners to creating bestselling conversation decks, James shares his journey in the e-commerce space.
  • Tactical Business Insights: Effective strategies for creating repeat purchase patterns among customers.
  • Customer Engagement Techniques: How to use customer feedback to refine products and marketing strategies.

Don’t miss out on more episodes like this! Subscribe to the How to Sell Online podcast for regular insights and strategies from experts like James. Plus, discover how you can start your own online selling journey by joining our community at www.0-100k.com

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I'm Alison

I’m an online business coach and ecommerce entrepreneur. I’m here to teach you, step-by-step, how to sell online. Even if you’re brand new to online sales, you’ll get the roadmap you need to create and grow your own profitable online business the right way.



Let me tell you about some of the products I've sold that helped me reach my first Million. We're offering this and other valuable resources for free!


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