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Ever Overthink the Decision You Just Made? Megan Whitesides Has the Tools to Help You!

July 27, 2021

I'm Alison

I’m an online business coach and ecommerce entrepreneur. I’m here to teach you, step-by-step, how to sell online. Even if you’re brand new to online sales, you’ll get the roadmap you need to create and grow your own profitable online business the right way.



Let me tell you about some of the products I've sold that helped me reach my first Million. We're offering this and other valuable resources for free!

At times, we all struggle to make decisions, some of us more than others, but today's guest, Megan Whitesides, is here to help!! (THANK YOU MEGAN!)

If you don't already know Megan, you've been missing out, she's BRILLIANT, and I can't wait for you to hear what she has to say!

In this week's episode, Megan discusses the difficulties behind decision-making and offers great tools you can use in your day-to-day life to make your work easier! (Who doesn't want that?!?)

Are you excited? I sure am, so let's dive in!

Meet Megan Whitesides, Teacher & Life Coach Extraordinaire

Let me start off by telling you a little bit more about who Megan Whitesides is. She is a certified life coach (and a preschool teacher!!! We love a multi-talented queen!) who works with entrepreneurs to help them break through the mental blocks that cause them to overthink everything and overwhelm themselves.

Her goal? Simply to help people like you and me push our overthinking tendencies aside so we can reach our full potential. Once we can do that, we can achieve similar success to some of the previous guests I’ve had on this podcast (like Brittany and Katie, who have both built million-dollar companies).

Megan has also coached in my Next Level business group, which has been an amazing experience! Her work is incredibly helpful to people who find themselves overthinking everything. This is especially true for business owners like us. But also, for new entrepreneurs who find themselves facing a wall of decisions and sometimes freeze.

The Weight of Decision Making

As an entrepreneur myself, I think that 95% of business building is done in your head. Sometimes, things that you don’t think are going to be an issue often pop up when you're working on a new business idea. And as soon as that happens, you start overthinking and overwhelming (as Megan says) yourself.

This can make you feel extremely vulnerable and, let’s face it, you might even have a hard time making decisions. As business owners, we make sooooo many business decisions, every single day! So when we switch back into non-working mode, and we have to make even more decisions at home, the weight of making decisions becomes really heavy!

For me, deciding what to make for dinner is the worst. After a long day of work and, you’ve guessed it, decision-making, having to come up with ideas for dinner that will please each family member feels like a huuuge chore. I’m just too exhausted to think about it. Not just mentally, but also physically.

That brings me to why I invited Megan Whitesides to be a guest on the podcast this week. She has so many useful tools to help us deal with overthinking and overwhelm.

Megan is my personal life coach. I've been working with her for almost a year and I've seen sooo much improvement already! Saying she’s saved me SOOO many hours of worrying and overthinking would be the biggest understatement of the century!

If this is something you’re struggling with, if you can’t decide what products to sell, or find yourself caught in a sea of important decisions, even if you just struggle with simple day-to-day decision making, this is the podcast for you. There are so many gold nuggets for you in here!

Not only does Megan share such valuable information, she even has a little gift for you here!

Grab something to take notes (you're going to want it) and tune in to find out the tools Megan shares and how you can work through overwhelm issues.

Top 10 Takeaways

  1. Decisions are taking way too much of our time.
  2. Just choose something and go forward with it!
  3. Set a timeframe on that decision making.
  4. If something is fun and easy, you’re going to stick to it, so, when making a decision, look at the fun and easy side of it.
  5. When things get hard, it doesn’t mean you’re on the wrong path.
  6. Write it all down.
  7. Question and prioritize the things on your list.
  8. Cross some of those things out.
  9. Bridge those thoughts.
  10. The number 1 stumbling block is going to be your belief in yourself.
  11. If you don’t try, it’s never going to happen.

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