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Increase Sales and Don’t Be a Low-Priced Leader (Walmart already has that covered)!

May 18, 2021

I'm Alison

I’m an online business coach and ecommerce entrepreneur. I’m here to teach you, step-by-step, how to sell online. Even if you’re brand new to online sales, you’ll get the roadmap you need to create and grow your own profitable online business the right way.



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Hey hey!! Slow your scroll today because we're talking about increasing your sales!

Imagine you are about to hit that publish button on your veeeeery FIRST online store! You reach through and hit that return button, and your store is out there for the entire world to see. 

You keep hitting refresh over and over and over to check your sales, and in 24hrs you made 2 sales! WHO-HOO!!! Are you elated or deflated? What if you made 3,000 sales? YIKES!! 

Well, today I am PUMPED, because in this week’s podcast, I'm interviewing the fabulous, one and only Mae Cee! 

Who Is Mae Cee and How Did She Increase Her Sales?

Mae Cee is a single mom of three who started her business journey selling t-shirts online. Yes, she is the t-shirt QUEEN, selling one of the most “saturated products” out there! 

Her very first day, she only had two sales, and let’s be honest, she DID feel deflated. BUT…she kept going. She didn’t stop, and she learned that those beginning stages were probably the BEST thing that could have ever happened to her. WHY? Because through them she set systems in place to keep her from being overwhelmed when the bigger orders came through! 

When she first started, Mae Cee didn’t know exactly what she wanted to sell. (Ever been there?) She struggled with the idea that what you sell doesn’t really matter. (Spoiler alert, IT DOESN'T!) What matters is how well you serve your customers. 

So, why did she choose t-shirts? Mae Cee lived close to a few major apparel suppliers and had a background in graphic design. So, she thought, why not? After all, she didn’t need money to start doing it. 

Also when Mae Cee first started, no printers wanted to work with her. (HELLO opposition!) She had no experience in commercial printing, and she didn’t have the money for massive runs, so she just used what she had and started small.

She bought one piece of equipment at a time, asked for help from people she knew, and started producing small numbers of t-shirts. Because these production runs were small, Mae Cee could actually focus on the quality of the t-shirts for each sale.

Content but Not Complacent

Mae Cee experienced opposition. People said she was TOO loud, TOO opinionated, TOO much. But she was determined to not become complacent. “Content but not complacent” is her motto. 

Little by little, Mae Cee’s mindset started changing. She understood that she didn’t need to be perfect or have a genius idea or make a thousand dollars in sales overnight to be a successful business owner. HECK YEAH!!

How Are Sales Going?

Mae Cee only started out selling two t-shirts, but those two sales were the start of her journey. First, she worked in her living room, then her garage, and today, she has a warehouse where she sells a whopping 3,000+ t-shirts a week with more than a thousand clients in the US and Canada. (I KNOW!!)

Top Ten Takeaways

  1. Do you spend too much time thinking about what’s not real?
  2. What can we do with what we already have?
  3. Speak to your target customers.
  4. Figure out how to help your customers get faster results.
  5. Celebrate every win.
  6. New levels of growth still make you as terrified as when you first started.
  7. Focus on serving well, not on making sales
  8. Take one step and then take the next one.
  9. Fear will disguise itself as being responsible.
  10. Remember you are changing lives.

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