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How to Set Goals for Your Business

December 20, 2022

I'm Alison

I’m an online business coach and ecommerce entrepreneur. I’m here to teach you, step-by-step, how to sell online. Even if you’re brand new to online sales, you’ll get the roadmap you need to create and grow your own profitable online business the right way.



Let me tell you about some of the products I've sold that helped me reach my first Million. We're offering this and other valuable resources for free!

When is the last time you set business goals for your online store?

Actually, let’s take that back a step. 

Have you ever set business goals for your store? 

Not the “I just want to make money” kind of goal. But the kind of goal that has you identifying what the most important thing you should be doing for your business today and six months from now…and maybe even a year from now is? 

You know what I mean, right? The kind of goal setting that gives your business direction. (And you some direction, too.) 

If you haven’t set business goals—you’re not alone. It can sometimes be a difficult thing for entrepreneurs to do. 

Why is it Difficult to Set Business Goals?

First—entrepreneurs like you and me look at EVERY aspect of our businesses as being important. 

Sourcing products, sending emails, shipping, social media, Shopify, selling on every kind of marketplace…you name it. But if EVERYTHING is important, how do you know where you should be spending your time and energy most? 

Second, we entrepreneurs have a LOT of ideas, am I right? 

They fly at us from every direction when we’re taking a shower or making toast for our kids or sitting in the carpool lane. They’re exciting and fun. When we think about them, it makes us feel so dang good! We want to do them all right now! But again, if we want to do them ALL, how will any of them actually get done at the right time (or ever.) 

What’s number 3? Well #3 just happens to be the most critical of all. Ready? 

Too often, we haven’t truly decided where we want our business to be. We haven’t taken the time to write down what we want to be doing or the business direction we want to take. 

But my friend, even though it can be hard to set business goals, it IS important. Because if we don’t know where we want to go, then how do we know whether the steps we’re taking are the right ones? 

JaLyn Morris—owner of ShopMorrisMade.com—joined me on the latest episode of the How to Sell Online podcast. JaLyn would eventually love to hire a team to work with her but needs to set some goals now that will help her get there. Listen to our conversation now by clicking on the web player above, or listen to it on your favorite podcast platform. 

Top Ten Takeaways About Setting Business Goals

Here are a few takeaways (and an assignment) from our conversation about setting goals—and knowing the business direction you want to take. 

  1. Doing is the hard—but most important—work
  2. Build consistency by showing up for others.
  3. Let it go
  4. Stop “splitting”
  5. Write your ideas down…for later
  6. Write down your true goal, then work backwards 
  7. Unlearn your need to ask for permission
  8. Hire out the boring work so you can stay in the creative zone
  9. Do a time study
  10. Assignment: Listen to (or read) Essentialism by Greg McKeown
Additional Resources

Shop with JaLyn: shopmorrismade.com 

On Facebook: @shopmorrismade

On Instagram: @shopmorrismade 

Connect with Alison

Facebook: @alisonjprince

Instagram: @alisonjprince


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I'm Alison

I’m an online business coach and ecommerce entrepreneur. I’m here to teach you, step-by-step, how to sell online. Even if you’re brand new to online sales, you’ll get the roadmap you need to create and grow your own profitable online business the right way.



Let me tell you about some of the products I've sold that helped me reach my first Million. We're offering this and other valuable resources for free!


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